Digital Alchemy | Packaging Design
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A multidisciplinary affair, packaging design blends form, structure, materials, colour, typography and most importantly, key product information to deliver a container that is most appropriate. Digital Alchemy creates effective packaging through impactful and clutter breaking expressions of the brand’s promise and benefits in a consumer-friendly design solution. 


Avariety of studies tell us that a majority of consumers (from 60-90% across sources!) make a buying decision based on how the packaging looks – and any top packaging design company with an impactful presence cannot ignore the aesthetic aspect.

The team at Digital Alchemy is extremely well-versed in this department, where we determine colour, typography, placement and more with an intuitive understanding of products, their category and other theoretical aspects within the field of design and related aesthetics. We also undertake research that includes culture theory, sociology, ethnographic analysis and more to understand the impact of certain visuals, typography and colours – all of which goes into determining what the package will look like.

This ensures that as your product enters the highly competitive shelf-space, be it on the retail shelf, in an online e-commerce portfolio, a brochure or otherwise: it distinguishes itself in a definitive manner. More importantly, like all good packaging is supposed to do within the 3-second span of time that the consumer has to make buying decisions: to cultivate desire in their minds!


Within our suite of packaging design agency services, we provide the following of services, often taking the help of additional wings within the organisation for a collaborative approach that guarantees both tangible and intangible results, be it from an aesthetic perspective or that of increasing ROI.

  • Business intent workshopping
  • Product/Brand Strategy Development /Product positioning
  • Conceptualising and Implementation
  • Visual Identity and Adaptive Packaging Systems
  • Consumer Research/Trend Research
  • Packaging Design strategy 
  • Packaging design for Hero Products/Ingredients
  • Guideline formulation for extensionsreparation
  • Artwork development and Pre-press production
  • Revamping Extant Product Range(s)
  • In Branding/ Packaging/ Print/ Web
    Pure Birdsnest
  • In Packaging/ Print
    Ninie’s Kitchen Packaging
  • In Packaging/ Print
    Arkipala packaging
  • In Branding/ Packaging
    Aqilah Villa


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